5 Ways to Get a Sustainable Wardrobe

5 Ways to Get a Sustainable Wardrobe

5 Ways to Get a Sustainable Wardrobe Have you ever wanted to have a more sustainable wardrobe but didn't know where to start? Sustainable. Eco-friendly. Low-waste. These are buzzwords all...
June 22, 2021 — Emily Farina
5 Tips for Keeping White Clothes White | Magill Clothing

5 Tips for Keeping White Clothes White

Have you ever had to get rid of a white blouse because it wasn’t ‘white’ anymore? Yellow stains or an overall dingy look can make a white blouse look, well, not good.  I’m all in favor of buying less and buying better quality and to actually be able to do that in practice we need our clothing to last. In today’s post I’m sharing 5 easy tips you can follow to keep your white clothes bright, fresh and clean so that they last longer.

July 27, 2020 — Emily Farina